Acting Assistant Director: Jeff Grant
(602) 542-0984
Division Manager: Wendi Wilcox
(602) 542-0137
The Agriculture & Food Systems Support Division (AFSS) is an innovative compliance assistance program unique to an agricultural regulatory agency. This program embraces the Arizona Department of Agriculture’s (AZDA) goal of encouraging farming, ranching and agribusiness, while protecting consumers and natural resources by utilizing a non-enforcement approach. AFSS is not affiliated with any of AZDA’s enforcement programs, allowing staff members to provide a formal means by which the regulated agricultural community may request compliance assistance without regulatory intervention. Agriculture & Food Systems Support Division serves Arizona’s diverse agricultural community by promoting agriculture, conducting training and increasing voluntary compliance and awareness of regulatory requirements and providing agricultural conservation education.
AFSS is not affiliated with on-going enforcement activity within the Department and detected violations are not made available to regulatory personnel except in cases of imminent danger where human health and welfare are concerned.
After visiting a site, AFSS personnel provides the requestor with a detailed evaluation report tailored specifically to the requested subject. The report describes information discussed during the visit and offers corrective recommendations, if applicable.
For more information, call 1-800-294-0308 or (602) 542-0137.