landscape covered with green grasses and bushes with mountains in the background

Governor Douglas A. Ducey - State of Arizona Proclamation

WHEREAS, Arizonans enjoy clean water, fresh air, safe neighborhoods, beautiful citrus and palms, lush landscapes, parks and green spaces, crop and food diversity, recreational destinations, wildlife habitats and prized natural resources; and

WHEREAS, the introduction and spread of terrestrial and aquatic invasive plant pests and diseases threaten our state's and our nation's trees, forests and food crops; and

WHEREAS, it is the desired goal of Arizona that citizens and visitors alike increase their understanding and awareness of these destructive plant pests and diseases and the environmental, ecological and economic impact of plant pests and diseases on Arizona and the nation; and

WHEREAS, by taking responsibility for our actions and being careful not to accidentally move invasive pests, we can curtail their human-assisted spread and help reduce the risk to Arizona's forests, landscapes, and agriculture; and

WHEREAS, spring marks the emergence of damaging pests that threaten our state and can hide in fruit, vegetables, plants, firewood or on familiar outdoor items or hitchhike on our cars, trucks, and campers; and

WHEREAS, pests are present year round, we must engage a cooperative spirit and environmental stewardship this month and all year long because the invasive species battle is nonstop; and

WHEREAS, Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month is an opportunity for the government to join forces with schools, businesses, industry, environmental groups, community organizations, tourists and citizens to stop the spread of invasive pests; and

WHEREAS, during the month of April, the Arizona Departments of Agriculture, Forestry and Fire Management, State Land, and State Parks along with the Arizona Nursery Association and the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service will engage communities throughout Arizona in a coordinated and comprehensive education campaign.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Douglas A. Ducey, Governor of the State of Arizona, do hereby proclaim April 2017 as


and urge all communities and citizens of Arizona to participate in efforts to protect Arizona's natural resources and economic interests by preventing the spread of invasive plant pests and diseases.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Arizona

Douglas A. Ducey

DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix on this fifth day of April in the year Two Thousand and Seventeen and of the Independence of the United States of America the Two Hundred and Forty-First.


Michele Reagan