Last week the EPA granted two specific exemptions under the provision of section 18 of FIFRA. The two exemptions are for the use of sulfoxaflor (Transform WGTM) on cotton to control lygus and on sorghum to control sugarcane aphid. The sorghum section 18 is effective immediately so any growers needing this material can apply to the department for the use now. For cotton growers the use becomes available on June 1.
Cotton Section 18
Lygus has been a key pest problem in cotton. However, due to the loss of use of Transform WGTM, growers have fewer options to control this problematic pest. Transform WGTM is friendlier to beneficials and safer to use. This section 18 helps growers replace riskier products. The potential economic loss to cotton without access to Transform WGTM was significant and for the second year Arizona growers are allowed to use Transform WGTM under the granted exemption. Growers are required to follow all label directions and must have a copy of the federally approved Section 3 label and the Section 18 label that will be provided by the department. All uses under this exemption must be reported to the Department on a 1080. It can be sent to [email protected] . Growers are urged to use great caution to avoid any use that will harm pollinators. This exemption expires on October 31, 2018. To use the product growers must submit an application to the department.
Sorghum Section 18
The sugarcane aphid showed up in Arizona two years ago at levels that were detrimental to sorghum, which previous to this had been a great crop requiring very little pest management. When the aphid showed up, crops were destroyed. So for the third year in a row Arizona growers are allowed to use Transform WGTM under the granted exemption. Growers are required to follow all label directions and must have a copy of the federally approved Section 3 label and the Section 18 label that will be provided by the department. All uses under this exemption must be reported to the Department on a 1080. It can be sent to [email protected]. Growers are urged to use great caution to avoid any use that will harm pollinators. This exemption expires on November 20, 2018. To use the product growers must submit an application to the department. The permit application can be found on the ADA’s “Download Forms” page or by following this link: https://agriculture.az.gov/sites/default/files/Sorghum%20Permit%20Applic...