The Weights and Measures Services Division (WMSD) motor fuel quality program administers the laws and regulations for fuel quality through inspection, analysis, and enforcement to help ensure that consumers are purchasing quality transportation fuels that meet or exceed applicable air quality standards. Fuel samples are inspected and screened in the field by investigators and potentially non-compliant fuel is collected for testing at a state of the art laboratory which uses the latest analytical equipment and test procedures to provide precise results. In addition, samples are collected for laboratory analysis during randomly scheduled unannounced inspections and when fuel quality complaints are received by WMSD. WMSD will follow up with laboratory analysis of gasoline, diesel fuels, high octane racing fuels, and biofuels (including biodiesel blends and ethanol flex fuel) to make certain they meet the specifications adopted in the Arizona Revised Statutes and Arizona Administrative Code.
Division is making every effort to assist the fuel industry in achieving compliance with Arizona fuel regulations. Below you will find important documents and guidance related to the Arizona fuels program. Please note that each document may cover numerous topics, and different facets of a topic may be discussed in more than one document. These documents do not establish or change legal rights or obligations.
Additional information and documentation regarding Cleaner Burning Gasoline (CBG) can be found on the Cleaner Burning Gasoline webpage.