If you have protected native plants (http://apps.azsos.gov/public_services/Title_03/3-03.pdf ) you want removed from your property, you can do that. We encourage conservation, and ask you that you contact a cactus mover and determine if they would be interested, as they can resell it. If you do not know of one you can follow the process of notification that is referenced in the rules below and we will notify those that have requested notification from us. Most of the cactus movers know the process for obtaining a permit and tags from our agency, which includes getting the landowner’s permission, signature, on their permit application. If your protected native plant has been damaged by a storm and you just want it gone, or if it is just something you no longer want, Arizona law allows for notification of the department with certain time frames before destruction. Please see the laws and rules: http://www.azleg.gov/arsDetail/?title3 and http://apps.azsos.gov/public_services/Title_03/3-03.pdf. However there is one exception that allows you to proceed without delay. This reference follows:
3-904. Destruction of protected plants by private landowners; notice; exception
H. This section does not apply to the destruction of protected native plants on individually owned residential property of ten acres or less where initial construction has already occurred.
After meat and poultry are inspected for wholesomeness, producers and processors may request that they have products graded for quality by a licensed Federal grader. The USDA’s Agriculture Marketing Service (http://www.ams.usda.gov) is the agency responsible for grading meat and poultry. Those who request grading must pay for the service. Grading for quality means the evaluation of traits related to tenderness, juiciness, and flavor of meat; and, for poultry, a normal shape that is fully fleshed and meaty and free of defects.
USDA grades are based on nationally uniform Federal standards of quality. No matter where or when a consumer purchases graded meat or poultry, it must have met the same grade criteria. The grade is stamped on the carcass or side of beef and is usually not visible on retail cuts. However, retail packages of beef, as well as poultry, will show the U.S. grade mark if they have been officially graded.
Beef Quality Grades:
Retail Meat and Poultry Concerns or Issues:
Retail stores are regulated by the County Health Department’s where they are located. For issue concerning retail meat or poultry products please contact the appropriate county agency or for more information contact [email protected].