Apply and process your Self-Inspection certificates online.
As of August 6, 2016, the following changes were made to self-inspection:
Allow swine to be part of self-inspection
Allow a seasonal pass and self-inspection certificate to take the place of a swine inspection form for exhibition swine
Remove the $0.20 per head self-inspection fee for movers of cattle and replace it with the following per book fee (R3-2-702.B.4):
$25 for a 25-page feedlot self-inspection book;
$20 for a 20-page dairy self-inspection book; and
$10 for a 10-page self-inspection book for non-range, range, sheep, goat, and swine owners
Allow only certain information to be included on self-inspection certificates
These changes are pursuant to Laws 2016, 2nd Regular Session, Chapter 160, also referred to as SB 1344 or the Ag Omnibus Bill.
Based on provisions included in SB 1344, the certificates have changed. Instructions will be mailed with the new certificates.
If you are new to the self-inspection program, you are required to submit an application. This application must be renewed every three years pursuant to Arizona Administrative Code (R3-2-702.B.3).
Pursuant to R3-2-702, you are required to return used or voided certificates to the Department within 10 days after the month in which the certificate was used or voided. Beef Council fees will still have to be paid and mailed to the Department with the used certificates.
A self-inspection certificate CANNOT be used for changes of ownership in range cattle, removal of range cattle from the State, or cattle custom slaughter because a livestock inspector must inspect these occurrences. If you need a livestock inspection, please call Dispatch at 623-445-0281.
If you have old certificates that you haven’t used yet, you can still use them. Once you run out of old certificates, then you will have to prepay to receive the new certificates. When mailing in the old certificates, you will still be required to pay the $0.20 per head movement fee for beef cattle (both range and non-range), feedlots, and dairies. Goat and sheep owners will not pay any fees or charges when using their old certificates. Old certificates cannot be used for pigs.There is also a Beef Council charge of $1.00 per head when any feedlot, dairy, range, or non-range cattle change ownership, including inspected commercial slaughter. Beef Council isn’t charged if the auction collects the monies or if an owner has the cattle for less than 10 days. If you sell a calf that is less than 10 days old, you still have to pay Beef Council.
For the new certificates, the $0.20 per head cattle fee has been replaced with a per book fee, which is referenced in the bullet points above. Pursuant to section 3 of the bill, you will not receive your certificates until you have paid and we have received the fee. Sheep, goat, and swine owners are also required to pay for a self-inspection book as of August 6, 2016. Please note that Beef Council fees still have to be paid and mailed to the Department with the completed certificates.
As of October 2, 2017, you can now access self-inspection certificates online at
A self-inspection certificate is NOT a Bill of Sale.