Vesicular stomatitis emergency regulations
A health certificate/certificate of veterinary inspection (“CVI”) being used to ship animals from any state that has, or have had, an outbreak of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (“VSV”) in the past 60 days is valid for not more than 14 days.
All CVIs for any susceptible livestock, including equine, bovine, porcine, caprine, ovine, and cervidae entering Arizona from a state that has, or have had, an outbreak of VSV in the past 60 days shall be accompanied by a CVI containing the following statement: “All animals identified on this certificate of veterinary inspection have been inspected and found to be free from clinical signs of vesicular stomatitis.”
Entry Permits
Exception notice: "Effective September 2024, the import permit requirement for eligible animals imported into Arizona is waived when an electronic certificate of veterinary inspection (eCVI) is issued and received, as long as all other import requirements are met under Arizona Revised Statutes." Link to Final Published Substantive Policy
For entry permit numbers please email CVI(Health Certificate) to [email protected] with the following information attached if not on CVI:
- Consignee and consignor information
- Day of shipment
- The vet who saw the animals and vets phone number
- Head count, Breed, Gender and Age of the livestock
- Certificate Number
- Official ID (RFID, Silver Brite, Branded, Scrapie Tag)
- Notice of ADT change: "Effective November 5, 2024, the USDA animal disease traceability (ADT) rule requires Official ID to be both visually and electronically readable. The updated rule only applies to the interstate movement of certain cattle and bison." Link to FAQ - Animal Disease Traceability
Please leave a good contact number in case we have additional questions.
***We work on them in the order they are recived and will provide a Entry permit number through email***
Cattle cont.
Other Livestock
Domesticated Animals
Exotic Animals
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