Safeguarding Arizona’s Green industry is accomplished through inspections, surveys for dangerous plant pests like Japanese beetle and the Asian citrus psyllid; and enforcing regulations that are designed to protect Arizona’s landscaping and native plant life. Some regulations are specific to certain pests like imported fire ants (A.A.C. R3-4-239).Other rules are aimed towards a series of host plants and a number of plant pests that might affect them, like citrus nursery stock (A.A.C. R3-4-220). Some safeguarding measures are designed to allow continued commerce of a commodity while safeguarding plant material, as written in the Director’s Administrative Order DAO 11-01 Clean Citrus Stock Program. A Department approved quarantine holding area is required for some nursery stock regulated for quarantine pests. Please contact your local PSD Office for details on requirements and how to establish a quarantine holding area.
Assuring market access for Arizona produced nursery stock; certification programs are in place to certify a commodity to meet the requirements of other states. Many Arizona nursery stock producers/exporters participate in the voluntary Arizona Certified Program to receive “General Nursery Stock Certification” that meets or exceeds the National Plant Board standards of pest freedom and generally satisfies most domestic entry requirements. In addition, some states also require certification for specific pest threats (i.e. Ozonium root rot, Brown garden snail, Rose mosaic, etc.).
If you are a home owner and have general questions about plant health or have questions concerning a pest or disease on your plants please first contact the Arizona Cooperative Extension Office for your county. They staff a number of Master Gardeners that are familiar with many issues that are common in your area.
If you are considering establishing a nursery or have general questions about the nursery industry please visit the Arizona Nursery Association or call 480-966-1610.
Nursery Stock Domestic Exports
Arizona offers a number of services that allow the movement of nrsery stock to other states (or within the state) that are under quarantine for regulated pests. This includes nursery certifications, phytosanitary certifications, and certificates of origin. The National Plant Board provides a listing of import requirements of other states and is a good reference. For the most current requirements please visit the destination State Department of Agriculture's website and for federal regulations please visit the USDA-APHIS website.