Arizona safeguards the tree fruit and nut industry by regulating commodities that are imported into Arizona such as pecan nuts (under A.A.C. R3-4-231: Nut Pests) from dangerous plant pests and diseases that could be detrimental to these important Arizona industries. Other pests that present a serious threat within Arizona are regulated to mitigate the potential for further spread (i.e. the Asian citrus psyllid; DAO 09-06: Asian Citrus Psyllid – Interior Quarantine).
The State’s pecan industry is expanding rapidly. Thanks to a strong global demand for healthy, high quality nuts, growers have been able to capitalize on market demand and sustainable prices for pecans. Pecan orchards in Arizona will continue to expand due to the State’s pest freedom and exceptional climate for nut products.
Phytosanitary Certificate — for domestic export
Citrus fruit is regulated by the USDA/APHIS for sweet orange scab and fruit must meet certain standards prior to export or transport out of state.