Public Notice of Proposed Livestock Brands
In order to better serve our customers, the Arizona Department of Agriculture will use this website as the official location to publicly notice all Brand applications for a period of 30 days prior to awarding the Brand to allow interested parties the opportunity to protest any potentially conflicting brand. Please notice the “End Date” located on the right edge of the advertisement(s) below. All protests must be received in writing and postmarked on or before the “End Date” of the specific brand in question. Protests that are postmarked after the “End Date” will not be considered. Phone protests will not be considered.
This list contains brands that are set to expire this month. These brands are NOT available for purchase from the Department because they are not yet abandoned pursuant to A.R.S. § 3-1265.
Expired Livestock Brands Not Yet Abandoned
This list contains brands that have expired but are eligible to be rerecorded by the brand owner or their representative. These brands are NOT available for purchase from the Department because they are not yet abandoned pursuant to A.R.S. § 3-1265.
Do I need a livestock brand?
In accordance with A.R.S. § 3-1261, every person owning range livestock in Arizona shall adopt and record a brand with which to brand such livestock. Earmarks may also be recorded in conjunction with a brand, as long as the earmark is not already recorded for use by a neighbor and if the earmark does not cut off the ends of both ears.
The Arizona Department of Agriculture does not record brands to be used for any purpose other than to brand livestock. Persons interested in recording a "logo" should contact the Secretary of State.
The Department of Agriculture will not accept for recording any unusual design, anything designed within an enclosure or any single letter or number (all brands must be of two or more characters). Neck brands, jaw brands and dual location or scatter brands are also not acceptable. Brands must be of a design that is easily identifiable and one that does not blotch.
How do I apply for a livestock brand?
To apply for a brand, please complete the livestock brand application (new/amendment).
You may design and submit no more than five (5) unique designs per application. The Department of Agriculture staff will not alter the designs submitted. Please include a telephone number and email address, if applicable, where you can be reached. The brand must be researched and then posted in the public notice of proposed brands by the Department for thirty (30) days in accordance with Arizona Brand Laws. If no protest is filed during this period, and the appropriate fees are paid, the brand is recorded and an original copy of the brand record is mailed to the brand owner. The expiration date of the brand will be shown on the brand certificate.
An Arizona livestock brand owner has the right to file a protest with the Department if they believe a brand conflicts with their brand. Protests must be received within the thirty (30) day advertising period. Should the Department decide the protest is valid, the applicant is denied the brand.
Applications may be submitted via mail, email, or hand-delivery. We are located at 1010 W Washington St in Phoenix, Arizona 85007. Visitor parking is available on the first floor of the parking garage.
Contact: (602) 542-3578 or [email protected]
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed holidays and weekends.
You may request to amend the location of the brand on the animal or to add the brand to another species that is not currently authorized by completing livestock brand application (new/amendment). PLEASE NOTE; THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO CHANGING A BRAND DESIGN. ANY REQUEST TO CHANGE A BRAND DESIGN WOULD CONSTITUTE A NEW BRAND AND MUST BE APPLIED FOR AS SUCH.
The brand amendment must be researched and then posted in the public notice of proposed brands by the Department for thirty (30) days in accordance with Arizona Brand Laws. If no protest is filed during this period, and the appropriate fees are paid, the brand amendment is recorded and an original copy of the amended brand record is mailed to the brand owner. The expiration date of the brand will be shown on the brand certificate.
An Arizona brand owner has the right to file a protest with the Department if they believe a brand amendment conflicts with their brand. Protests must be received within the thirty (30) day advertising period. Should the Department decide the protest is valid, the applicant is denied the brand amendment.
Applications may be submitted via mail, email, or hand-delivery. We are located at 1010 W Washington St in Phoenix, Arizona 85007. Visitor parking is available on the first floor of the parking garage.
Phone: (602) 542-3578
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed holidays and weekends.
What is a conflicting brand?
If an alteration can be made to an existing brand that would then match your requested brand, it is a conflict. Please note that each proposed brand is researched by design, animal, and location on livestock to determine if a requested brand is indeed a conflict.
How long is a brand registration good for?
Brands must be re-recorded every five (5) years. The fee to re-record a brand is $50.00. The Department will mail re-record applications approximately thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of each brand. Brand owners are responsible for notifying this office of any address change in writing. https://renewals.azda.gov/
No bills larger than a $20 will be broken.
Every month we mail an average of 200 brand re-record applications. Unfortunately a large percentage of re-record applications are returned to us as undeliverable. It is the responsibility of the brand owner to notify the Department of any change in address, therefore if you’ve moved between five (5) and seven (7) years ago and have not received a re-record application, please email the Licensing Department at [email protected] or mail a letter stating the current address it to:
Arizona Department of Agriculture
Attn: Brands
1010 W Washington St
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Please include your name and the brand number so we can update the appropriate record.
Brands that are expired for three (3) or more years are considered abandoned, thus they cannot be re-recorded. To record an abandoned brand, it must be applied for as a new brand.
How do I add/remove someone from my brand or transfer ownership of my brand?
To add or remove someone from your brand or transfer ownership of the brand to another party, please submit the Bill of Sale application. The application must have the notarized signature of all parties listed. This application cannot be used to transfer ownership from a deceased owner.
How do I transfer ownership from a deceased brand owner?
To transfer the ownership of a brand from a deceased owner, please complete the Instrument of Distribution form and submit the supporting documents of applicable evidence of authority.
How do I lease a livestock brand?
To lease a livestock brand, complete the Livestock Brand Lease form. No fee is charged to process a brand lease.
All signatures must be notarized (both the owner and the lessee). Those not properly notarized will be returned. If all parties signing the Brand Lease are unable to appear before a notary at the same time, a separate notary acknowledgement may be attached for additional signatures.
Brand leases must have a beginning and an end date. Please be specific.
Brands may not be leased to more than one person or entity, or past the expiration date of the brand.
If the brand is being leased by a business, a copy of the business organizational papers also must be provided (i.e. Articles of Incorporation, Partnership Agreement, Articles of Organization, etc.).
How do I release a livestock brand lease?
To release a brand lease, please complete the Livestock Brand Release form.
How do I change my name on my brand certificate?
In the event you need to change your name on your brand due to a legal name change, marriage, divorce or you change the name of your business entity, please complete and submit the Name Change Request form.
I need a brand now! What can I do?
The AZDA has an "Urgent Need" Livestock Brand List consisting of ten (10) Livestock Brands. The list is only accessible by visiting the Department of Agriculture building located at 1010 W Washington Street in Phoenix (85007). The list cannot be photographed or copied; doing so voids the list. The brands are available for purchase as-is; although you may add earmarks. Purchases are limited to no more than one brand per person per 30-day period. The fee is $75.00 and you will walk out with Livestock Certificate in hand. To schedule an appointment, please contact us via email ([email protected]) or phone (602.0542.3578).
How do I get in contact with someone for brands?
Contact us by way of the following: